Mexican Dinner
John Pannell (AUS)
Big Mexican Dinner - The Kentucky Headhunters
1-4Touch right toe forward with right heel turned out, touch right heel forward with right toe turned out, spot triple right-left-right5-8Touch left toe forward with left heel turned out, touch left heel forward with left toe turned out, spot triple left-right-left9-12Kick right, kick right, coaster step (step right back, step left back, step right forward)13-16Kick left, kick left, coaster step (step left back, step right back, step left forward)17-20Step forward onto right pivot ½ turn to left, shuffle back left-right-left21-24Step back on right, rock forward on left, shuffle right-left-right25-28Left heel forward 45, hitch & slap left knee with left hand, spot triple left-right-left29-32Right heel forward 45, hitch & slap right knee with right hand, spot triple right-left-33-36Step forward on left while turning ¼ turn right, cross right foot behind left foot, spot triple left-right-left37-40Step right to right side, left behind right, spot triple right-left-right41-44Step forward onto left, pivot ½ turn right, shuffle forward left-right-leftREPEAT