Julia Ann Kennedy (USA)
www.memory - Alan Jackson
When danced to "WWW. Memory" by Alan Jackson start with the gallops after the sixteenth count. This is the only time you will dance the gallops. When using any other music omit the gallops and start the dance with the circle vine. There is a four count tag after the third time you repeat the dance. To make this a four wall line dance turn ¼ turn on the vine and continue the dance GALLOP, ½ PIVOT TURN, STEP, STEP1&Step right foot out diagonally, slide left foot next to right2&Step right foot out diagonally, slide left foot next to right3&Step right foot out diagonally, slide left foot next to right4Step right foot out diagonally placing the weight on the right5-6Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right keeping the weight on the right foot7-8Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left 1-8Repeat beginning with left foot (facing the back wall)DANCE
CIRCLE VINE, WALK FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, HITCH LEFT KNEE1-2Step right foot to right (beginning circle), step back with left foot3-4Step right behind left foot, step left beside right5-8Walk forward, right, left, right, hitch left kneeSIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, VINE1&2Step left foot to left, step right foot beside left, step left foot to left3-4Rock back on right, recover the weight on left5-6Step right foot right, step left foot behind right7-8Step right foot to right, cross left foot over right Option: rolling vine on 5-8HIP SWAYS, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1-2Sway right hip forward diagonally, sway left hip back diagonally3-4Sway right hip forward diagonally, sway left hip back diagonally5-6Rock right foot forward, recover weight on the left foot7&8Step back on right foot, step left foot in place, step right foot forwardHIP SWAYS, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1-2Sway left hip forward diagonally, sway right hip back diagonally3-4Sway left hip forward diagonally, sway right hip back diagonally5-6Rock left foot forward, recover weight on right foot7&8Step back on left foot, step right foot in place, step left foot forwardREPEAT
1-2Step right foot to right, touch left foot beside right3-4Step left foot to left, touch right foot beside left