The Lucky One
Bill Bader (CAN)
The Lucky One - Alison Krauss & Union Station
Free music download at Amazon.comSIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE SHUFFLE WITH ¼ TURN, TOUCH, TOUCH, ¼ TURN INTO FORWARD SHUFFLE1-2Step right to right side, step left beside right3&4Side shuffle on right-left-right turning on the last step ¼ right5-6Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe cross behind right and look down to right side7&8¼ turn left into a forward shuffle on left-right-left (12:00)SIDE TOE TOUCHES: RIGHT & LEFT, ¼ LEFT, RIGHT & RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT, LEFT & RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT, LEFT & LEFT1&2Touch right toe to right side, step right beside left, touch left toe to left side&Step left beside right turning ¼ left3&4Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left, touch right toe to right side&Step right beside left turning ¼ right5&6Touch left toe to left side, step left beside right, touch right toe to right side&Step right beside left turning ¼ right (3:00)7&8Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe beside right, touch left toe to left side During walls 3 and 6: add the 2-count tag here, then restartROCK STEP FORWARD-BACK, FULL TURNING TRIPLE, CROSS, LOCK, FORWARD. FORWARD, ¼ PIVOT1-2Step left forward, rock back on right3&4Step back on left turning ½ left, step forward on right turning another ½ left, step forward on left5-6Cross step right forward, lock step left (ball of left) behind right heel&Quick step forward on right7-8Step left forward, pivot ¼ right shifting weight onto right (6:00)2 SYNCOPATED TWINKLES, ROCK FORWARD-BACK, ½ TURN, FORWARD, ¾ PIVOT1-2Cross step left over right, step right to right side&Shift weight onto left turning diagonal left3-4Cross step right over left, step left to left side&Shift weight onto right turning diagonal right5-6Rock step left forward, rock back on right&Step left back turning ½ left7-8Step right forward, pivot ¾ left shifting weight onto left (3:00)REPEATTAG1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right sliding right toe beside left Insert this tag after count 16 of walls 3 and 6. Notice this always returns you to the original front wallENDING Turn to the front wall at the end of the song by changing count 7 in the last section to7Step right forward turning ¼ left