Love Is A Crime
Larry Schmidt (USA)
Love Is a Crime - Anastacia
KICK RIGHT FRONT & RIGHT SIDE, COASTER STEP, KICK LEFT & LEFT SIDE COASTER STEP1&2Kick right foot forward, bring right foot to left knee, kick right foot to right side3&4Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward5&6Kick left foot forward, bring left foot to right knee, kick left foot to left side7&8Step left foot back, step right next to left, step left foot forward The front/side kicks are almost like a kick boxing move but try to use a swing/jive styling.SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK & TURN ½, RIGHT SIDE ROCK & CROSS SHUFFLE TO THE LEFT1&2Step right foot forward, step left next to right, step right forward3&4Rock forward on the left foot, replace weight to the right, step ½ turn left taking weight on the left foot5&6Rock right foot to right side, replace weight to left, step right foot across left7&8Step left to the left side, step right next to left, step left to left sideBACK COASTER TURNING ¼ RIGHT, ½ TURN RIGHT, ½ TURN RIGHT, ROCK & CROSS, LONG STEP & DRAG1&2Step back with right foot turning ¼ right, step left next to right, step right foot forward3-4½ turn right stepping back on left, ½ turn right stepping forward on right5&6Rock to the left with the left foot, replace weight on right, step left across right7-8Take long step to the right with the right foot, drag left next to rightBACK COASTER, SHUFFLE FRONT, OUT-OUT, IN-IN, OUT-OUT, IN1&2Step back with left foot, step right next to left step forward with left3&4Step forward with right, step left next to right, step forward with right5&6&Step left to left, step right to right, step left to center, step left to center7&8Step left to left, step right to right, step left to centerREPEATTAG After doing dance twice 4 STEP PADDLE TURN LEFT, LEFT ROCK REPLACE, COASTER STEP1-4With weight on the left foot make 4 - ¼ turns to the left paddling with the right foot5-6Rock forward on the right foot, replace weight on left7&8Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right taking the weight.4 STEP PADDLE TURN RIGHT, RIGHT ROCK REPLACE, COASTER STEP1-4With weight on the right foot make 4 - ¼ turns to the right paddling with the left foot5-6Rock forward on left foot, replace weight on right Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left Do this tag after every 2 repetitions of the dance.