Looking Good
Norma Jean Fuller (USA) & Thomas Haynes (USA)
Hey Good Lookin' - Jimmy Buffett
STEP SCUFFS1-2Step forward on right, scuff left forward3-4Step forward on left, scuff right forward5-6Step forward on right, scuff left forward7-8Step forward on left, scuff right forwardSMALL STEPS BACK, STEP TOGETHER, BACK STEP, TAP1-2Small step back on right, small step back on left3-4Small step back on right, small step back on left5-6Step to right on right, step left next to right7-8Step back on right with ball of left in place tap left heel down (weight on right)STEP TOGETHER, BACK STEP, TAP, STEP KICK, CROSS, KICK1-2Step left on left, step right next to left3-4Step back on left, with ball of right in place tap right heel down(weight on left)5-6Step right forward slightly to the right, low kick left to the left7-8Cross step left over right, low kick right to right (option toe touches can replace kicks)¼ TURN RIGHT JAZZ BOX, STEP SLIDE TOUCH ¼ TURN RIGHT STEP SLIDE, TOUCH1-2Cross right over left, step back on left3-4¼ turn right step right, step left next to right5-6Step right forward, slide and touch left up to right7-8Step left forward turning ¼ turn right, slide and touch right next to left Option for steps 5-85-6Step right forward turn ¼ left, slide left next to right7-8Step left forward turning ½ right slide and touch right next to leftREPEAT