Lonesome Me
Ann Napier (NZ)
Oh Lonesome Me - The Kentucky Headhunters
FORWARD & SIDE KICKS1-4Kick right foot forward twice, kick right foot to right side twice5-8Kick right foot forward, kick right foot to right side, kick right foot forward twice&Bring right foot back to place9-16Repeat counts 1-8 on left sideROCK STEPS AND ¼ PIVOT TURNS17-20Rock back on left foot, rock forward on right foot, step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn right (weight ends on right)21-24Repeat counts 17-20HEEL GRINDS, STOMP25-26Touch left heel forward (toe points to 1:00), swivel toe to 11:00 as you put toe down and take weight on left foot27-28Touch right heel forward (toe points to 11:00), swivel toe to 1:00 as you put toe down and take the weight on right foot29-30Repeat counts 25, 2631-32Stomp right foot in place, hold for 1 beatDWIGHT STEP WITH HOLDS, DWIGHT STEP TRAVELING RIGHT33-34Swivel left heel to right, at same time touch right toe beside left foot, hold35-36Swivel left toe to right, at same time touch right heel forward, hold37Swivel left heel to the right, at same time touch right toe beside left foot38Swivel left toe to the right, at the same time touch right heel forward39-40Repeat counts 37-38WEAVING GRAPEVINE TO THE LEFT41-42Cross right foot over left foot, step left foot to left side43-44Cross right foot behind left foot, step left to left side45-48Repeat counts 41-44TURNING HEEL STRUTS TRAVELING RIGHT (1 ½ TURNS)49-56Right heel strut, left heel strut, right heel strut, left heel strut, making 1 ½ turns to the rightSTEP ½ PIVOT TURN, STEP ¼ PIVOT TURN, CROSS ROCK, ½ TURN, STOMP57-58Step forward on right foot, ½ pivot turn to left59-60Step forward on right foot, ¼ pivot turn to left61-62Cross rock right over left, rock back on left63-64Turn ½ turn over right shoulder stepping forward on right foot, stomp left foot in place (taking weight)REPEAT