Irene Groundwater (CAN)
Lollipop - The Chordettes
MOVE RIGHT HAND 4 TIMES TO THE RIGHT, MOVE LEFT HAND 4 TIMES TO THE LEFT1-2-3-4(Facing right) hold right hand in front of body eye level and move 4 times to the right5-6-7-8(Facing left) hold left hand in front of body eye level and move 4 times to the left Option: on counts 1 to 4, tap right heel four times. On counts 5 to 8, tap left heel four timesCHARLESTON STEP1-2Touch right toe forward, hold3-4Step back on right, hold5-6Touch left toe back, hold7-8Step forward on left, holdSIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, ¼ TURN LEFT, BACK, TOGETHER, FORWARD, HOLD1-2Side step right, step left beside right3-4Side step right, pivot ¼ turn left on right ball5-6Left back, step right beside left7-8Left forward, holdSIDE, SIDE, CLAP, CLAP, SHIMMY FOR 3 COUNTS, HOLD1-2Side step right, side step left3-4Clap twice5-6-7-8Shimmy for 3 counts, hold Option: on counts 5-6-7-8, sway right, sway left, sway right, sway left. On counts 5-6-7-8-grind the hips in circular movementREPEAT Choreographed for Jenifer Reaume Wolf's party at Killarney Community Center, Vancouver, B.C. Canada on March 21. 2004