Lindy's Star Swing/shuffle
Le Dokken (USA)
Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) - Shania Twain
This dance follows a star pattern. To add something to this dance, on the side and angled steps, swing both arms to the outside on the step touches. On the forward and back rock steps, crook one arm up while pointing the other arm downSIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, CROSS SHUFFLE, STEP, TOUCH1&2Shuffle sideways to the left (left, right, left)3Cross right foot over left and step4Keeping feet crossed, slide right foot to the left and step5Step to the left on left foot6Touch right toe next to left footSIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, CROSS SHUFFLE, STEP, TOUCH7&8Shuffle sideways to the right (right, left, right)9Cross left foot over right and step&With feet crossed, slide right foot to the right and step10Keeping feet crossed, slide left foot to the right and step11Step to the right on right foot12Touch left toe next to right footSHUFFLES FORWARD, ROCK STEPS13&14Shuffle forward (left, right, left)15&16Shuffle forward (right, left, right)17Step forward on left foot18Rock back onto right foot shuffles back, rock steps19&20Shuffle back (left, right, left)21&22Shuffle back (right, left, right)23Step back on left foot24Rock forward on right footDIAGONAL SHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, TOE TAPS25&26Turn body diagonally to the left and shuffle toward 10:00 (left, right, left)27&28Shuffle (right, left, right) making ½ turn to the left (you are now facing 4:00)29-30Tap left toe next to right foot twiceDIAGONAL SHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, STOMPS31&32Shuffle forward toward 4:00 (left, right, left)33&34Shuffle (right, left, right) making ½ turn to the left (you are now facing 10:00)35Lightly stomp left foot next to right making 1/8 turn to the left36Lightly stomp right foot next to left making 1/8 turn to the left (you are now facing 8:00)DIAGONAL SHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, TOE TAPS37&38Shuffle forward toward 8:00 (left, right, left)39&40Shuffle (right, left, right) making a ½ turn to the left (you are now facing 2:00)41-42Tap left toe next to right foot twiceDIAGONAL SHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, STOMPS43&44Shuffle forward toward 2:00 (left, right, left)45&46Shuffle (right, left, right) making a ½ turn to the left` (you are now facing 8:00)47Lightly stomp left foot next to right making a ¼ turn to the right48Lightly stomp right foot next to left, making a slight turn to the right to again face 12:00REPEAT