Let's Swing (P)
Drive It Home - The Clovers
Position: Open Facing Position. Man facing wall, Lady's right hand in man's left. Lady's step natural opposite unless otherwise stated2X CHANGE OF HANDS BEHIND BACK- POINTS1-2-3&4Rock back on left, replace weight to right, shuffle forward on left (to lady's right side) taking lady's right hand in man's right hand (QQQ&Q)5&6Shuffle on right making turn to left, changing man's right to left behind the back (Q&Q)7-12Repeat above (QQQ&Q, Q&Q)13-14Point left forward, close to right (QQ)15-16Point right forward, close to left (QQ)DOUBLE ROCKS- SHUFFLE LEFT& RIGHT- FALLAWAY- SWIVEL WALKS17-20Rock back on left replace weight to right (repeat) (QQQQ)21&22-23&24Shuffle to left (Q&Q), shuffle to right (Q&Q)25-26-27&28Rock back on left (turn to left), replace weight to right, shuffle to left in promenade position (QQQ&Q)29-30-31&32Forward in promenade position on right, side on left, lock step in promenade position on right (QQQ&Q)OUTWARD SOLO TURN- FALLAWAY- MERENGUE- WOODPECKER33-34-35&36Forward left, start to turn left, side right still turning left, shuffle to left along LOD taking double hold (QQQ&Q)37-38-39&40Step through on right in promenade position, turn strongly to right, step back on left, shuffle back on right in Side By Side Position along LOD (QQQ&Q)41-44Turn to face partner (double hold), step side on left, close right to left, step side left, close right to left (QQQQ)45-46-47&48Tap left toe back twice, shuffle to left (QQQ&Q)FLICK - BREAK - SWIVEL HOOK - SPOT TURN49-52Kick right across in promenade position, close to left, kick left across in closed promenade position, close to right foot (QQQQ)53-56Step through in promenade position on right (relax knee), hold, transfer weight to left, transfer weight to right (QQQQ)57-58-59&60Side left and turn strongly to right, hook right in front of left, shuffle forward on right against LOD (QQQ&Q)61-64(Release hold) Step through on left in closed promenade position turning to right, side right still turning right, side left still turning right, rock weight into right (QQQQ)REPEAT