Let It Roll, Let It Ride
Leah De Plancke
Let It Roll, Let It Ride - The Cherry Bombs
ROLLING VINES, RIGHT THEN LEFT1-4Turning right: quarter turn onto right, half turn onto left, quarter onto right, touch left beside right5-8Turning left: quarter onto left, half turn onto right, quarter onto left, touch right beside leftRIGHT SIDE SHUFFLE WITH ROCK, LEFT SIDE SHUFFLE QUARTER TURN RIGHT1&2-3-4Shuffle to right side shuffling: right, left, right, rock back onto left, recover onto right5&6-7-8Shuffle to left side shuffling: left, right, quarter turn onto left, rock back onto right, recover onto leftRIGHT AND LEFT STRUTS AND BOOGIE WALKS1-4Touch right toe forward, drop heel to floor touch left toe forward, drop heel to floor5-8Boogie walk forward with swivel: right, left right leftSTEP TOUCH QUARTER TURN TOUCH TWICE1-4Step forward onto right, touch left toe beside right, make quarter turn left stepping onto left, touch right toe beside left5-8Step forward onto right, touch left toe beside right, make quarter turn left stepping onto left, touch right toe beside leftREPEAT