The Latin Way (They All Came!)
Intermediate mambo
Charles Richman (UK)
Crickets Sing For Anamaria - Emma Bunton
FORWARD MAMBO, BACKWARD MAMBO, SIDE ROCK CROSS TWICE, ½ TURN LEFT1&2Left foot forward, replace weight to right foot, left foot back3&4Right foot back, replace weight to left foot, right foot forward5&6Left foot side, replace weight to right foot, left foot crosses over right foot7&8Right foot side, replace weight to left foot, right foot crosses over left foot&Unwind ½ turn left (weight on right foot)FORWARD MAMBO, BACKWARD MAMBO, SIDE ROCK CROSS TWICE, ½ TURN LEFT1&2Left foot forward, replace weight to right foot, left foot back3&4Right foot back, replace weight to left foot, right foot forward5&6Left foot side, replace weight to right foot, left foot crosses over right foot7&8Right foot side, replace weight to left foot, right foot crosses over left foot&Unwind ½ turn left (weight on right foot) On wall four, the tag and restart goes hereSIDE, CLOSE, CHASSE LEFT, SIDE, CLOSE, CHASSE RIGHT1-2Left foot side, right foot closes to left foot3&4Left foot side, close right foot to left foot, left foot side5-6Right foot side, close left foot to right foot7&8Right foot side, left foot closes to right foot, right foot side½ PIVOT TURN RIGHT, LEFT LOCK STEP FORWARD, ½ PIVOT TURN LEFT, RIGHT LOCK STEP FORWARD1-2Left foot forward, turn ½ right replacing weight to right foot3&4Left foot forward, lock right foot behind left foot (ball of foot), left foot forward5-6Right foot forward, turn ½ left replacing weight to left foot7&8Right foot forward, lock left foot behind right foot (ball of foot), right foot forwardLEFT FOOT DIAGONAL WHISK FORWARD, RIGHT FOOT DIAGONAL WHISK FORWARD, STEP TOUCHES, & KICK & TOUCH1&2Left foot diagonally forward, cross right foot behind left foot (ball of foot), replace weight to left foot3&4Right foot diagonally forward, cross left foot behind right foot (ball of foot), replace weight to right foot&5Left foot back, touch right foot to left foot&6Right foot back, touch left foot to right foot&7Close left foot to right foot, kick right foot across left foot&8Close right foot to left foot, touch left foot to right footCORTA JACA, 3 WALKS FORWARD, FLICK1&2Left foot back, touch right toe back, replace weight to left foot&3Touch right heel forward, replace weight to left foot&4Touch right toe back, replace weight to left foot5-73 walks forward (right-left-right)8Flick left foot diagonally backREPEATTAG & RESTART1-4Left foot side, hold, close right foot to left foot, hold5-8Left foot side, close right foot to left foot, left foot side, close right foot to left foot Now restart the dance from the beginning and continue to the end of the music. CORTA JACA - This figure originates from the Samba and is said to mean "the cutting of the apple". If danced correctly the left foot slips slightly rightwards as the right heel and toe move forward and back.