Latin Shuffle
Judith Campbell (NZ)
Boom Boom - Chayanne
2 HIP ROLLS - 2 SHUFFLES FORWARD (TWICE)1-2-3-4Step right foot forward and roll hips in full circle to left twice, (or 4 hips side to side)5&6-7&8Two shuffles forward right-left-right, left-right-left (small steps using hips)1-8Repeat the above 8 countsSHUFFLE - ROCK RECOVER WITH ¼ TURNS (TWICE)1&2-3-4Shuffle right foot to right side, turning ¼ left rock left foot behind right, turning ¼ right rock forward onto right foot5&6-7-8Shuffle left foot to left side, turning ¼ right rock right foot behind left, turning ¼ left rock forward onto left Easier option: you can do the rock recovers without the turns and stay facing front½ PIVOT - SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2-3&4Step right foot forward ½ pivot to the left, shuffle forward on right foot (right-left-right)SIDE TOUCHES RIGHT & LEFT - HEEL HOOK HEEL&5&6Step left foot next to right, touch right foot out to right side, step right next to left, touch left to left side&7&8Step left next to right, touch right heel forward, hook right foot under left knee, place right heel forward againSIDE STRUTS TO RIGHT WITH SHOULDER SHIMMIES1-2-3-4Step right toe to right side, drop right heel down, step left toe next to right foot, drop left heel down5-6-7-8Step right toe to right side, drop right heel down, step left toe next to right foot, drop left heel down (use shoulder movements if you wish)¼ PIVOTS (TWICE) - DOUBLE TIME SCUFFS FORWARD1-2-3-4Step forward on right foot, ¼ pivot to left, step forward on right foot, ¼ pivot to left (use hips)&5&6Scuff right foot forward, place right foot flat to floor, scuff left foot forward, place left foot down&7&8Scuff right foot forward, place right foot down, scuff left foot forward, place left foot down. (keep scuffs small and use hips) Easier option: if the scuffs are too quick for you just do 2 (scuff right foot forward, place then scuff left foot forward, place)STEP DIAGONALLY FORWARD, TAP - TAP & TAP - STEP DIAGONALLY BACK, TAP - TAP & TAP1-2&3&4Step right foot diagonally forward to right, touch left next to right, step left to left side, touch right next to left, step right to right, touch left next to right5-6&7&8Step left foot diagonally back to left, touch right next to left, step right to right side, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left footSAILOR SHUFFLE RIGHT - SAILOR SHUFFLE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN LEFT1&2Step right foot behind, step left to left, step right in place,3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, turning ¼ to left step left forwardTAP BEHIND ½ TURN RIGHT - TAP BEHIND ½ TURN LEFT5-6Tap right foot behind left, turn ½ to right (weight onto right foot)7-8Tap left foot behind right, turn ½ to left (weight onto left foot) Easier alternative: step forward on right ½ pivot to left, step forward on right ½ pivot to leftREPEATRestart At the beginning of wall 3 only, do the first 16 counts, then restart the dance again. There is a pause in the music halfway through wall 6. Just hold for 4 counts then continue with the side struts.