Latin Lover
Charles Richman (UK)
Latin Lover - Lemon
STEP, SYNCOPATED CHA-CHA TIME STEP TWICE, CHA-CHA TIME STEP, CHASSE LEFT1Step right to right side2&3Close left to right, step right in place, step left to left side (remember to use your hips)4&5Close right to left, step left in place, step right to right side6-7Close left to right, step right in place8&1Chasse left (left, right, left)CROSS ROCK, CHASSE RIGHT, CUBAN BREAK (SYNCOPATED ROCKS)2-3Cross right over left, rock back onto left4&5Chasse right (right, left, right)6&7Cross left over right, rock back onto right, step left to left side&8&1Rock onto right, cross left over right, rock back onto right, step left to left side (large step) allowing right toe to drag towards leftSYNCOPATED WEAVE TO LEFT, MODIFIED MONTEREY TURN2&3Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left&4&5Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, point right toe forward6-7Point right toe to side, close right to left making ½ turn right8&1Point left toe to left side, hitch left knee, point left toe to left sideROCK, STEP, LEFT SAILOR STEP, ROCK, STEP, MODIFIED COASTER STEP TURNING ¼ RIGHT2-3Rock forward left, rock back onto right4&5Left sailor step (left, right, left)6-7Rock back onto right, rock forward left8&Step forward onto right, close left to right turning ¼ turn rightREPEATTAG For "Latin Lover" track only, after the 4th wall you will be facing the front. Add the following 4 counts and then restart the dance from the beginning1-2-3-4Step right to right side, slowly drag left toe towards right (2-3), close left to rightOPTIONAL ENDING At the end of the music you will finish facing front having closed LEFT to RIGHT and turning ¼ turn RIGHT (&). There is a short break in the music which you hold and then you dance RIGHT to Right side and Close LEFT to RIGHT This dance is dedicated to my "Thursday Morning Class" (you know who you are!) who inspired me to choreograph it and also to my special friend Jenny Stanley who found this wonderful piece of music!