Laidback Cha Cha
Chris Hookie (USA) - December 1995
Feliz Navidad - Holly Dunn
1&2(Right foot lead) shuffle forward at a 45 degrees angle (1/8 of a turn) to the forward right corner of the room3-4Make a ¼ turn to the right5&6(Left foot lead) shuffle backward toward the forward left corner of the room7-8Make a ¼ turn to the right 1&2(Right foot lead) shuffle forward to the back left corner of the room3-4Make a ¼ turn to the right5&6(Left foot lead) shuffle backward toward the forward left corner of the room7-8Make a 3/8 turn to the right (dancers are now facing ¼ turn to the right of the original LOD) 1&2(Right foot lead) shuffle forward3-4Left foot step forward, make a ½ pivot turn to the right5&6(Left foot lead) shuffle forward7-8Right foot step forward, make a ½ pivot turn to the leftRIGHT FOOT SIDE-BALL-CROSS FORWARD1Touch right foot directly to the side and accept the weight&Shift weight back to left foot2&Step right foot directly across in front of left foot3Left foot step directly to the side4Cross right foot behind left footLEFT FOOT SIDE-BALL-CROSS FORWARD5Touch left foot directly to the side and accept the weight&Shift weight back to right foot6&Step left foot directly across in front of right foot7Right foot step directly to the side8Cross left foot behind right footREPEAT