Keep Moving (P)
Ian Ray (UK) & Sue Ray (UK)
Some Broken Hearts - The Bellamy Brothers
WEAVE LEFT WITH FULL TURN1Step and turn ¼ right with left Both facing OLOD, man behind lady2Cross right behind left3-5Release right hand, raise left hand and both turn a complete turn to the left on left, right, left Making progress to left, end up still facing OLOD6Cross right over left7Step left to left8Cross right behind leftCHASSE LEFT, WALK AND SHUFFLE BACK, HALF TURN9&10Chasse left (left, right, left)11Pivot on ball of left ¼ turn right as you step back on right Both facing RLOD12Step back on left13&14Right shuffle back right, left, right15Step and turn ½ turn left with left (both facing LOD)16Touch right toe in placeKICK, TOUCH, KICK BALL STEP, WALK, ½ TURN17Kick right forward18Touch right toe to left of left foot19&20Kick right forward, quickly step right in place, step forward on left21-23Walk forward on right, left, right24½ turn pivot to left, release left hands, raise right over lady's head Both facing RLOD. Lady on left side of gent, left hand to left hand in front, right hand to right hand behind, in small of gent's backSHUFFLES X 3, ROCK STEP25&26Right shuffle forward27&28Left shuffle forward while turning ½ turn to right29&30Right shuffle back31Step back on left During steps 25 to 31 lady is on right side of gent, release left hand, take right hand over ladies head, rejoin left into sweetheart position32Rock forward on to rightREPEAT