Chloe Likes This Song

Kaleb Shrimpton (UK) - February 2025
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery

SEC 1: V-Step (R) Weave (R) Hitch(R) Weave (L) Sway, sway, ball-sweep, full spiral (R) Waltz basic (L)
1-2-3Step right forward, step left forward, step right back
4-5-6Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind and hitch right
1-2-3Step right behind, step left to left side, step right in front
4-5-6Step left down and sway left, hold, sway right putting weight on right foot

SEC 2: ball-sweep, rock back (L) full spiral (R) heel lead forward (L) heel lead right
1-2-3Step left down, change the weight onto the right and sweep the left, rock left back
4-5-6Recover weight onto right, do a spiral full turn for 5-6
1-2-3Step left forward, step right beside left, step left back
4-5-6step right to the right side, step left beside right, step right down

SEC 3: heel lead (L) Sailor ¼ turn
1-2-3Step left forward, step right beside left, step left back
4-5-6step right to the right side, step left beside right, step right down
1-2-3Step left to left side, step right beside left, step left down
4-5-6Step right behind left, turn ¼ over right shoulder stepping left, step right down

SEC 4: (R) Step (L) Sweep (R) Step (L) Sweep (R) Samba step ¼ (L) Weave
1-2-3Step left forward, sweep right for 2-3
4-5-6Step right forward, sweep left for 5-6
1&2-3Cross right over left, rock right to right side turning a ¼ turn, recover, hold
4&5-6Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind, step left to left side

SEC 5: Stomp ¼ (R) hold, Stomp (L) hold
1-2-3Stomp right foot down turning a ¼, hold, hold
4-5-6Stomp left foot down, hold, hold