
Easy Beginner
Daniela Seidel (DE) - February 2025
MaƱana (feat. Cali Y El Dandee) - Alvaro Soler

NO Tags , NO Restarts !!
Start after 16 Counts

Side Close, Mambo side, Side Close Mambo Side
12 3&4RF side, LF close to RF, RF side, LF replace, RF close to LF (soft hip movement)
56 7&8LF side, RF close to LF, LF side, RF replace, LF close to RF (soft hip movement)

2 x Side Rock , 4 x Paddle Turn ( ½ Turn L over all 4 Paddle Turns)
12 34RF side, recover on LF ( 1(4 to L), RF side, recover on LF (1/4 to L) (soft hip movement)
5& 6&Turn ⅛ left point RF to right, turn ⅛ left point RF to right
7& 8&Turn ⅛ left point RF to right, turn ⅛ left point RF to right

2 x Cross Point, Right Jazz Box
1234Cross RF over LF, LF point to side, Cross LF over RF, RF point to side
5678RF cross over LF, LF back (1/4 to R), RF side, LF small step forward

Mambo Step, Back Mambo, Point, close, Point, close, Point, Clap Clap
1&2Rock RF forward, recover weight onto LF, step RF beside LF
3&4Rock LF back, recover weight onto RF, step LF beside RF
5&6&Point R Toe forward, RF close to LF, Point L Toe forward, LF close to RF
7&8Point R Toe forward, Hold, Clap both hands on &8

At wall 10 Turn 3/4 to L over all 4 Paddle Turns to end to the front.


Last Update: 6 Feb 2025