All I Know So Far
Rudi Nunes de Sousa (DE) - January 2025
All I Know So Far - P!nk
(3 Tags)
Section 1: Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Back, Back, Coasterstep
1-2Walk forward RF, LF
3&4Step RF forward, Step LF in place, Step RF next to LF
5-6Walk back LF, RF
7&8Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward
Section 2: Grape Vine, Touch, Grape Vine ¼ left, Scu or Brush
1-4Step RF to side, Cross LF behind, Step RF to side, Touch LF next to RF
5-8Step LF to side, Cross RF behind, turning ¼ left Step LF forward, Scu or Brush RF
Section 3: Rocking Chair, Out-Out-In-In (V-Step)
1-4Rock RF forward, Recover on LF, Rock RF back, Recover on LF
5-8Step RF diag. forward, Step LF diag. forward, Step RF back to center, Close LF to RF
Steps 5-8 can be danced as Out-Out-Hold (&5-6) and In-In-Hold (&7-8)
Section 4: Pivot ⅛ x2, Jazz Box
1-4Step RF forward, Pivot ⅛ to left, Step RF forward, Pivot ⅛ to left
5-8Cross RF, Step LF backwards, Step RF to side, Step LF forward
Tag: Step Touch x2
after the 2nd Wall and 6th Wall do the Tag one time, facing 12 o’clock
after the 4th Wall do the Tag two times, facing 12 o’clock
1-4Step RF to side, Touch LF next to RF, Step LF to side, Touch RF next to LF