
Gudrun Schneider (DE) & Mathew Sinyard (UK) - July 2024
Lie - Justin Fancy

Intro: 16 counts

*1 x Tag &1 x Step Change Restart - (See below)

Section 1 Side, Behind, Chasse ¼, Forward Rock, Recover, ½, ¼.
1 2Step R to side, cross L behind R.
3 & 4Step R to side, close L beside R, ¼ turn R stepping forward on R. (3:00)
5 6Rock forward on L, recover on to R.
7 8½ turn left stepping forward on L (9:00), ¼ turn left stepping R to side. (6:00)
**add ball step on to left here on wall 3 to restart on correct foot**

Section 2 Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Sailor ¼ Turn, Walk forward L R.
1 & 2Cross L behind R, step R to side, cross L in front of R.
3 4Rock R to side, recover on to L.
5 & 6Cross R behind L, ¼ turn R stepping L to side, step forward R. (9:00)
7 8Walk forward L R

Section 3 Forward Rock, Recover ¼, Chasse L, Cross, ¼, ¼, Point L.
1 2Rock forward on L, recover on to R making ¼ turn left. (6:00)
3 & 4Step L to side, close R beside left, step L to side.
5 6Cross R in front of L, ¼ turn right, stepping back on L. (9:00)
7 8¼ left stepping R to side, point L to side. (12:00)

Section 4 ¼ Point, Jazz Box Cross, Step Side Swaying R L.
1 2Close L beside R making ¼ turn L, point R to side. (9:00)
3 4Cross R in front of L, step back on L.
5 6Step R to side, cross L in front of R.
7 8Step R to side swaying R, sway L on to L.

Tag At the end of wall 1 – 2x Step Pivot ¼ Left.
1 2Step forward on R, pivot ¼ left. (6:00)
3 4Step forward on R, pivot ¼ left. (3:00)

Restart On wall 3 dance the 1st 8 counts, then add a ball step on to left
(Adding an and count) and restart the dance again.