Good Times Baby

High Beginner
T. Setiawan (INA) - June 2024
Good Times - Davey Nate

Notes: Start after 16 counts intro, No Tag and Restart

I. Heel Strut, Jazz box extended Wave
1-2-3-4Place R heel forward, Down R Toe, Place L Heel forward, Down L Toe
5-6-7&Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to side, Cross L over R,
8&Step R to side, Cross L behind R

II. Side Touch, Coaster step
1-2-3-4Step R to side, Touch L toe beside R, Step L to side making ¼ turn left, Touch R toe beside L
5-6-7&8Step R to side making ¼ turn left, Touch L toe beside R, Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward

III. Hip Bumps, Forward dan backward Mambo
1&2Rock R fwd and bump hip to right, Recover to L and bump hip to left, Recover to R and bump hip to right
3&4Rock L fwd and bump hip to left, Recover to R and bump hip to right, Recover to L and bump hip to left
5&6-7&8Rock R forward, Recover to L, Step R back, Rock L back, Recover to R, Step L forward

IV. Rock Side, Behind side cross, ¼ Monterey Turn left, Hitch
1-2-3&4Rock R to side, Recover to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
5-6-7-8Touch L to side, Make ¼ turn left on ball of R and step onto L, Touch R to side, Hitch R knee

Enjoy and have fun
