Thats Texas

Kristin Clove (USA) - December 2023
That’s Texas - Cody Johnson

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#1st 8 count
1&RF step forward 1/2 pivot turn,
2&RF step forward 1/2 pivot turn,
3&RF step forward 1/2 pivot turn,
4&RF stomp 2xs
5&6Grapevine R
&,scuff LF
7&8Grapevine L
&scuff RF

#2nd 8 Count
1&2&Step RF forward, cross kick LF back to R hand, step LF back, cross Kick RF forward to L hand,
3&4step RF back, cross Kick LF forward to R hand, step Lf forward , Rf together LF
5&6&V- step RF step out forward, LF step out forward, RF step back in, LF step back in, (feet end directly under hips)
7,8flex RF to R corner (toes up) while turning LF onto toe and pointing heel L, 1/4 turn L switching to flex LF to L corner and turn RF onto toe and pointing R heel R

#3rd 8 Count
1&2&RF step forward, tap in LF, LF step back, RF toe tap in
3&4&RF Heel jack turn out, RF hook over LF, replace R heel, RF kick back to R hand
5&6&Step RF down, LF scuff forward, land side L, RF scuff forward
7Land RF side R
&8&bring heels in, bring toes in, hitch up R knee slap R thigh

#4th 8 Count
1&2&K- step Step forward RF, tap in LF, step back LF, tap in RF
3&4Jump back onto RF Kicking LF forward, jump onto LF flicking RF back, land feet together
5&6&7&8Monterey turn, RF point out side R, Bring back together, 1/4 turn point out LF, point out RF, 1/4 turn point out LF

Last Update: 29 Dec 2023