Piet's Girl
Charlotte Steele (SA) - September 2023
Homely Girl - Piet Veerman
This dance is dedicated to “Piet’s girl” Jenny van der Westhuizen, a beautiful woman both inside and out. RIP Piet vdW.
Intro: 32 counts - start on vocals. No Tags or Restarts.
Sec.1 R Mambo Forward. L Mambo Back. R Side Rock-Pivot 1/4 Right. L Side Mambo.
1&2Rock forward on R, recover back onto L, step R back
3&4Rock back on L, recover forward onto R, step L forward
5&6Rock R to right side, recover onto L, turn ¼ right on ball of L and step R next to L (3:00)
7&8Rock L to left side, recover onto R, step L next to R (weight onto L)
Sec.2 R Side Rock-Pivot 1/4 Right. L Coaster Step. R Side Mambo. Shuffle Forward LRL.
1&2Rock R to right side, recover onto L, turn ¼ right on ball of L and step R next to L (6:00)
3&4Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward
5&6Rock R to right side, recover onto L, step R forward
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L forward (6:00)
Sec.3 Modified Rumba Box Forward. R Forward Rock-Pivot 1/4 Right. Step-Pivot 1/2 Right-Step.
1&2Step R to right side, step L next to R, step R forward
3&4Step L to left side, step R next to L, step L forward
5&6Rock forward on R, recover onto L, pivot ¼ right stepping R to right side (9:00)
7&8Step forward on L, pivot ½ right stepping forward on R, step L forward (3:00)
Sec.4 Modified Rumba Box Back. R Coaster Step. Shuffle Forward LRL.
1&2Step R to right side, step L next to R, step R back
3&4Step L to left side, step R next to L, step L back
5&6Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L forward (weight onto L) (3:00)
Start Again. Enjoy the gentle reggae beat, and the soul-inspiring message in the song.
Dance ends on Wall 8 on count 8 (end of Section 1) facing 12:00.
Contact: steelecharlotte2013@gmail.com
Last Update - 16 Sep 2023