Are You Ready for the Country?
JW Spurlock (USA) - April 2023
Are You Ready for the Country - Waylon Jennings
Intro - 16 count, weight on L foot
No restarts, no tags
R + L Toe taps, R foot stomp
1-2R toe tap, return to center
3-4L toe tap, return to center
5-6R toe tap, return to center
7-8R foot stomp (2x)
Step, Slap R Heel, Slap L Heel, Step Back
1-2Walk two steps forward (R foot first)
3-4Hook R heel behind L knee, slap with L hand
5-6Hook L heel behind R knee, slap with R hand
7-8Walk two steps backward, (R foot first)
Weave L, Weave R
1-2Cross R leg in front of L, Step L with L leg
3-4Step behind L leg with R leg, Point L toe to the L
5-6Cross L leg in front of R, Step R with R leg
7-8Step behind R leg with L leg, Point R toe to the R
Rock & Recover, Rock R with 1/4 turn L, Rock & Recover, Step in place
1-2Rock forward with R foot and recover back on the L
3-4Begin 1/4 turn L, rocking R with the R foot and recovering on the L foot
5-6Rock forward with R foot and recover back on the L
7-8Step in place (R foot first then L foot)