The Way You Do The Things You Do
Lynn Funk (USA) - April 2023
The Way You Do the Things You Do - The Temptations
Dance starts about 16 counts from start of music which is shortly after the start of the vocals.
Modified Stroll Step (think 50’s) with Right Grapevine
1-4Touch R Toe Out to Right Side, Touch R Toe Forward, Repeat
5-8Step RF to Right, Step LF behind RF, Step RF to Right, Touch L Toe Next to RF
Modified Stroll Step with Left Turning Grapevine
1-4Touch L Toe Out to Left Side, Touch L Toe Forward, Repeat
5-8Step LF to Left, Step RF Behind LF, Turn 1/4 with LF Forward, Brush RF
Right Lock Step with Brush, Left 1/4 Turning Crossing Jazz Box
1-4Step RF Forward, Lock LF Behind RF, Step RF Forward, Brush LF Across RF
5-8Step LF Across RF, Step Back on RF, Turn 1/4 Left Stepping LF Left (6:00), Cross RF Over LF
Restart Here - Do the Jazz Box with a R Toe Touch next to LF rather than Crossing Over
Point Step Forward L, Point Step Forward R, Rock/Recover, Step Together, Touch
1-4Point L Toe to Left, Step LF in Front of RF, Point R Toe to Right, Step RF in Front of LF
5-8Rock LF Forward, Recover RF, Step LF Back, Touch R Toe Next to LF
Restart with one step medication
The 4th time at the 12:00 wall which is the 7th Rotation, dance the first 23 counts of the dance which will put you on the 6:00 wall and rather than cross the right foot on the jazz box on count 24, just touch the R Toe Next to the LF and then Restart the dance.
Contact: Lynn Funk -