Have Faith
Sheila Outhwaite (USA) - January 2023
Faith - George Michael
Intro: 8 counts after organ intro
Side, Hold & Side, Touch, Side, Behind, 1/4L Shuffle
1,2&3Step R to right side, Hold, Step L next to R, Step R to right side
4,5Touch L next to R, Step L to left side
6,7&8Step R behind L, 1/4L Shuffle
Mambo, Coaster, & Step, 1/2R, Run Run Run
1&2Rock Forward R, Recover R, Step R next to L
3&4Step L back, Close R next to L, Step forward L
&5,6Step R next to L, Step L forward, 1/2R Pivot stepping forward on R
7&8Run forward LRL
Restart here on walls 3 and 6
Walls 3 and 6 both begin when singing ‘But I Gotta have Faith’
Out Out, Hold, Sailor, Behind 1/4R Step, Mambo
&1,2Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Hold
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Step R to right side
&5,6Step L behind R, turn 1/4R stepping forward on R, Step forward on L
7&8Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Close R next to L
Side, Recover & Side, Recover, & Step Turn, Cross & Cross
1,2&3Rock L to left side, Recover on R, Close L next to R, Rock R to right side
4&5, 6Recover on L, step R next to L, Step L forward, 1/4R stepping R forward
7&8Cross L over R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
Tag: at the end of wall 8
Step R to right side, Touch L next to R, Step L to left side, Touch R next to L
Wall 8 ends when singing I need someone to hold me but I wait for something more
Song goes quiet for 4 beats