Like The Paintings on Your Wall
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - September 2022
Crystal Chandeliers - Vic Dana
Intro: 16 Counts No Tags!
Vine R, V Step, Vine L, V Step
1-8Step R, L behind R, Step R, Touch L, Step L fwd. diagonally, Step R across from L, Step L back to center, Step on R to center
1-8Step L, R behind L, Step L, Touch R, Step R fwd. diagonally, Step L across from R, Step R back to center, Step on L to center
Turning Box Step Back
1-4Step R to R side turning ¼ L, Step L to L side turning ¼ L
5-8Step R to R side turning ¼ L, Step L, touch R to L
Cross Point Fwd., Step R Fwd. Kick L
1-4Step R fwd. Point L to L side, Step L fwd. Point R to R side
5-8Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step back on L, Touch R to L
That’s it! Just an easy beginner’s routine for everyone. Enjoy!
Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank You. I try to make them as easy as possible for you. or