Hasta Los Dientes

Weon Young Nam (KOR), Janice Kim (KOR) & Junghye Yoon (KOR) - July 2022
Hasta Los Dientes - Camila Cabello & Maria Becerra

Intro: 32 counts, start at approx. 16 sec. the lyric " no es tu"
Restart on wall 3 after 16 counts

[1-8] Skate R- L- R, Fwd Shuffle, Fwd, Chest popping
1 2 3Skate RF forward, skate LF forward, skate RF forward
4 & 5Step LF forward, step RF next to LF, step Lf forward
6Step RF forward
7 & 8Pop the chest

[9-16] 1/4 R Samba, Samba, Fwd, 1/4L Together, Fwd, 1/4L Together
1 & 2Step RF forward, 1/4 turning right rock LF to left side, recover weight on RF ( 3:00)
3 & 4Cross LF over RF, rock RF to right side, recover weight on LF
5 6Step RF forward, 1/4 turning left step LF next to RF (6:00)
7 8Step RF forward, 1/4 turning left step LF next to RF (9:00)
* Restart on wall 3

[17-24] Cross, Side, Behind-Side-Cross, Side with hip rolling L-R
1 2Cross RF over LF, step LF to left side
3 & 4Step RF behind LF, step LF to left side, cross RF over LF
5 6Step LF to left side with hip rolling for 2 counts
7 8Step RF to right side with hip rolling for 2 counts

[25-32] Side, Together, Travelling Cross Shuffle, Hold, Side, 1/2 L
1 2Step LF to left side, step RF next to LF
3&4&5Cross LF over RF, step RF to right side, cross LF over RF, step RF to right side, cross LF over RF
7 8Step RF to right side, 1/2 turning left step LF forward

Thank you and enjoy dancing!!