We Were On A Boat (P)
Mark Sandland (USA) & Linda Alfonsi (USA) - February 2022
I Was On a Boat That Day - Old Dominion
Start in Sweetheart position facing forward line of dance
Dance starts with Lyrics after 32 counts - No Tags - No Restarts
Adapted from: I was on a Boat by Trevor Thornton
Modified K Step
1-2Step Right foot forward to Right Diagonal, Touch left foot behind right
3-4Step Left foot back to Left Diagonal, Touch Right foot beside Left
5-6Step Right foot Back to right diagonal, Step Left foot beside Right
7-8Step Right foot Back to right diagonal, Touch Left foot beside Right
Point left w/touch x2, vine left 1/4 turn with brush
1-2Point Left foot to Left, Touch Left foot next to Right
3-4Point Left foot to Left, Touch Left foot next to Right
5-6Step Left foot to Left, Step Right foot behind Left
7-8Step left foot to left side (1/4 turn to Inside line of dance, lead bring right hand over follower's head), Brush right foot next to left foot.
Rocking chair, Pivot ½ turn, Pivot ¼ turn
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover back on left foot
3-4Rock forward on right foot, recover back on left foot
5-6Step right foot forward, Pivot ½ turn onto the left foot (release right hand and face outside line of dance)
7-8Step right foot forward, Pivot ¼ turn onto the left foot (pick up right hand back into sweetheart position and face forward line of dance)
Right lock step brush, Left lock step brush
1-2Step Right foot forward to Right Diagonal, step (Lock) left foot behind right
3-4Step Right foot forward to Right Diagonal, Brush left foot next to right foot
5-6Step Left foot forward to Left Diagonal, step (Lock) Right foot behind left
7-8Step Left foot forward to left Diagonal, Brush Right foot next to left foot