Home Like You

Patricia Soran (AUT) - January 2022
Home - Klangkarussell

Intro: 32 Counts - No tags, no restarts!

Counts 1-8: Step fwd. & Point 2x, Touch heel fwd. R, Step back R, Step back L, ¼-turn right, Cross L
1-2Step fwd. with RF; Point LF to side
3-4Step fwd. with LF; Point RF to side
5-6Touch right heel fwd.; Step back on RF
7&8Small step back on LF; ¼-turn right (3:00) and step to side with RF; Cross LF over RF

Counts 9-16: Turning Box, Kick-Ball-Step, Step-Turn
1-2¼-turn left (12:00) and step back with RF; ¼-turn left (9:00) and step fwd. with LF
3-4¼-turn left (6:00) and step back with RF; ¼-turn left (again facing 3:00) and step to side with LF
5&6Kick RF; Close RF to LF; Step fwd. with LF
7-8Step fwd. with RF; ½-turn left (9:00) and step on LF

Counts 17-24: 2x Step-Touch with ½-Turn, Modified Rolling Vine, Point L
1-2Step fwd. with RF; ½-turn left (3:00) and touch left toe fwd.
3-4Step on LF; ½-turn right (9:00) and touch right toe fwd.
5-6Step fwd. on RF, 1/2-turn right (3:00) and step back with LF
7-8¼-turn right (6:00) and close RF to LF; Point LF to side

Counts 25-32: Kick-Out-Out, Heel-Swivel, 3/8-turn left with hook L, Step fwd. L, ½-turn left, Coaster Step
1&2Kick LF fwd.; Step out to side with LF; Step to side with RF
3-4Swivel both heels left - body now diagonally facing 7:30 (3); Shift weight on RF with a 3/8-turn left (3:00) and hook LF (4)
5-6Step fwd. with LF; ½-turn left (9:00) and step back with RF
7&8Step back LF; Close RF to LF; Step fwd. with LF


Email: patricia.soran@linea7.com