Seeing Blind
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - October 2021
Seeing Blind - Niall Horan & Maren Morris
Intro: 8
Lock Step with Triple Step
1-2-3&4Step Fwd. R diagonally, Step L to R, Step fwd. diagonally, R/L/R
5-6-7&8Step Fwd. L diagonally, step R to L, Step fwd. diagonally L/R/L
Zig-Zag Back 4c's, Walk back 4c's
1-4Step R back diagonally, touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, touch R to L
5-8Walk back R/L/R/L
K Step
1-4Step Fwd. R diagonally, touch L to R, step back L diagonally, touch R to L,
5-8Step back R diagonally, touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, touch R to L
Paddle ¾ around
1-4Step Fwd. R, turning ¼ L on Lf, Step Fwd. R, turning ¼ L on Lf
5-8Step Fwd. R, turning ¼ L on Lf, Step on R, step on L
That's it! Just enjoy! No Tag's!
Nice and easy for all beginners.