Love That Corn!

Georgie Mygrant (USA) - 31 May 2021
Corn - Blake Shelton

Intro: 8 (2 tags. At the end of wall 2 and 4)

Rocking Chair, Rock Back and Fwd., Point R, Turn R, Point L
1&2-3&4Step fwd. R, rock back on L, rock back on R,(1&2), step back on L, step fwd. on R, return to L(3&4)
5&6-7&8Point Rf to R, Rf back to L, step on R (5&6) turning R on R, Point Lf to L side, L back to R, step on L(7&8) (3:00 Wall)

Repeat Rocking Chair and Points Once More
1&2-3&4Step fwd. R, rock back on L, rock back on R, step back on L, step fwd. on R, return to L
5&6-7&8Point Rf to R, Rf back to L, step on R turning R on R, Point Lf to L side, L back to R, step on L (6:00 Wall)

Lock Step Fwd. R/L
1&2-3&4Step R fwd. diagonally, L to R,(1&2) step R fwd. same, L to R
5-8Step L fwd. diagonally, R to L, step L fwd.(5&6) same, touch R to L

Jazz Box 2x, Turning R on Second One
1-4Step R over L, step back on L, step R, step L to R
5-8Step R over L, step back on L turning to the R, step on R, step on L next to R (9:00 wall) * Tags below!

**2 Tag's on end of 2nd and 4th wall for 16 counts and the 4th wall for 16 counts. Do a basic 2 step and a vine R and same on L, then start at beginning on both tags!

That's it! Just enjoy!

Last Update - 7 June 2021