Coming Home
Birte Berentzen - December 2020
Home (feat. Michael Bubble) - Blake Shelton
R basic - L basic - R rock fwd - L rec - 1/2 turn right R fwd, L fwd. Full turn L - Fwd L, R
1-2&R step long step to right side (1) rock back on L (2) cross R over L (&)
3-4&L step left (3) step R behind L (4) cross L over R (&)
5,6 & 7R rock fwd (5) recover on L (6) 1/2 turn R stepping R fwd (&) (6:00) Fwd L (7)
8&1Full turn R stepping back on R (8) Fwd L (&) Fwd R (1) (6:00)
L fwd, R touch, kick, lock step back, ¼ turn R, flick, cross step
2&3L step fwd (2) Touch R toe behind R (&) step down on R and kick L fwd (3)
4&5Step back on L (4) R lock step over L (&) step back on L (5)
6 &1/4 turn R stepping R to right side (6) (9:00) Flick L foot over right knee as you look over R shoulder (&)
7 & 8Step left to left side (7) Step R together with L (&) cross L over R (8) (Wall 5; Tag and restart)
L sweep from front to back, R sweep from front to back , sweep L, R, step R/look back
1,2 &R step to R and sweep L from front to back (1) step L behind R (2) R step to right side (&)
3,4 &L step fwd and sweep R from back to front (3) step down on R (4) L step to left side (&)
5,6R step behind L, sweep L from front to back (5) step down on L sweeping R from front to back (6)
7Step R long step back as you look back over your right shoulder (7)
Full turn L, R shuffle, L rock/cross, R sweep, ¼ turn L
8 & 1Step fwd L (8) Full turn L stepping back on R (&) L fwd (1) (9:00)
2 & 3Shuffle fwd R (2) L (&) R (3)
4 & 5Rock L to left side (4) R step together with L (&) cross L over R (5)
6,7,8R small step to right (6) step L behind R and sweep R from front to back (7) step down on R (8)
&¼ turn left stepping L to left (&) and start over again!
Tag 1 : Happens between wall 2 and 3 (after 32 c) (12.00); Sway R (1) sway L (2)
Tag 2: Happens on wall 5 (09:00) after 16 c; Sway R (1) turn 1/4 left (6:00) as you sway L and restart