Dancing My Way
Michelle Wright (USA) - December 2020
Dancing My Way - Wyn Starks
No tags or restarts
Dance can start instantly with music or wait 32 counts and start on the lyrics
I see a little sunshine (Demo video)
Section 1:'R & L heel toe heel swivels w/ claps
1,2,3,4 Swing both heels R, swing both toes R, Swing both heels R, Hold and Clap
5,6,7,8 Swing both heels L, Swing both toes R, Swing both heels L, Hold and clap
Section 2: Modified Charleston steps x2
1,2,3,4 Step R Forward, Kick L forward, Step L back, Touch R toe Back
5,6,7,8 Step R Forward, Kick L forward, Step L back , Touch R toe back
Section 3: R vine, L ¼ turn vine
1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R
5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, Cross L behind R, ¼ turn stepping forward L touch R next to L
Section 4: K- step with optional claps
1,2,3,4 Step R forward slightly on diagonal, Touch L next to R, Step L back, Touch R next to L
5,6,7,8 Step R Back slightly on diagonal, Touch L next to R, Step L forward, Stop R next to L
(styling option- Angle body slightly on diagonal to align with the step touch)
*Optional claps on every touch in the K-step (counts 2,4,6,8)
End of dance! Enjoy and have fun! Feel free to add as much fun you want into it.
Please E-mail for extended intro track to start on the lyrics.
Any questions email: Michellelinedance@gmail.com