Put The Load On Me
Ken Fowkes (USA) - October 2020
The Weight - The Band
Intro: Weight on L, start after 12 counts, 10 sec into track
[1 - 8] "Walk, Walk, Cross-Rock, Side-Rock, Behind-Quarter-Forward, Mambo-step"
1,2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 12:00
3&4&Cross-rock R over L (3), Recover to L (&), Rock to side on R (4), Recover onto L (&), 12:00
5&6Cross R behind L (5), Turn ¼ left stepping L forward (&), Step R forward (6) 9:00
7&8Rock forward on L (7), Recover to R (&), Step L backward (8) 9:00
[9 - 16] "Back, Back, Coaster-Cross-Hitch, Cross-Side-Behind, Side-Touch-Side"
1,2Step R backward (1), Step L backward (2), 9:00
3&4&Step R backward (3), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L turning left(4), Hitch L turning right (&) 9:00
5&6Cross L over R (5), Step R to side (&), Cross L behind R (6) 9:00
7&8Step R to side (7), Touch L next to R (&), step L to side (8) 9:00
[17- 24] "Behind-Quarter-Forward-Rock, Back-Rock-Forward, Mambo-Quarter, Cross-Recover-Side"
1&2&Cross R behind L (1), Turn ¼ left and step L forward (&), Rock forward on R (2), Recover to L (&) 6:00
3&4Rock backward on R (3), Recover to L (&), (start Tag here on even walls) Step R forward (4) 6:00
5&6Rock forward on L (5), Recover to R (&), Turn ¼ left stepping L to side (6) 3:00
7&8Cross-rock R over L (7), Recover to L (&), Step R to Side (8) 3:00
[25 - 32] "Cross-Rock, Side-Rock, Sailor-Hitch (½ L), Cross, Back, Side-Touch-Forward-Hitch (¼ L)"
1&2&Cross-rock L over R (1), Recover to R (&), Rock to side on L (2), Recover to R (&) 3:00
3&Cross L behind R (3), Turn ¼ left stepping R next to L (&), 12:00
4,5,6Turn ¼ left stepping L across R & hitching R (4), Cross R over L (5), Step L backward (6) 9:00
7&8&Step R to the side (7), Touch L next to R (&), Step L slightly forward (8), Hitch R turning ¼ left (&) 6:00
Tag: On all even walls, after count 19& (3 ½ counts into section 3), facing 12:00, dance the 8-count tag and then restart the dance.
The first step of the tag is the same as the step on count 20 (count 4 of section 3).
On walls 8 and 10 (last wall), after our protagonist acquires Chester's dog, dance the tag twice, once for you and once for the dog.
[1 - 8] "Forward, Cross, Back, Side, Cross-Recover-Side-Scuff, Hold-Cross-Back-Side"
1,2,3,4Step R forward (1), Cross L over R (2), Step R backward (3), Step L to side (4) 12:00
5&6&Rock R over L (5), Recover to L (&), Step R to side (6), Kick L across R scuffing L heel (&) 12:00
7&8&Hold (7), Cross L over R (&), Step R backward (8), Step L to side (&) 12:00
Ending: The beat ends on count 6& of the second tag after wall 10. Hold and then step L forward across R to end the dance on count 8.
Contact: KenFowkesDance@gmail.com