Apalah Cinta

Juli Santoso Pikir (INA) & Ferdy Iskandar (INA) - July 2020
Apalah Cinta by Ayu Ting Ting & Keremcem

S-1. Walk-walk-forward-recover, full turn R-forward-forward-sailor step
1234 step R, R walk (1) - L walk (2) - R forward (3) - L recover (4)
567&8 ¼ turn R, step R forward (5) - L forward (6) - R swipe back (7) - L recover (&) - close R beside to L (8)

S-2. Side-slide-behind-recover, behind-recover-shuffle
1234 step L, L side (1) - R towards L (2) - R behind (3) - L recover (4)
567&8 step R, R behind (5) - L recover (6) -R forward (7) - L together (&) - R forward (8)

S-3. Mambo-forward-recover, back lock shuffle-turn L chasse
1&2 step L, L forward (1) - R recover (&) - close L beside to R (2)
34 step R, R forward (3) - L recover (4)
5&6 step R, R back (5) - cross over L to R (&) - R back (6)
7&8 ¼ turn L : step L, L side (7) - R together (&) - L side (8)

S-4. Cross over-recover-turn R shuffle, full turn L forward-forward-shuffle
12 step R, cross over R to L (1) - L recover (2)
3&4 ¼ turn R : step R forward (3) - L together (&) - R forward (4)
56 full turn L : step L forward (5) - R forward (6)
7&8 step L, L forward (7) - R together (&) - L forward (8)

Tag 1 : 4 count : step R sway (1) hold (2) - L sway (3) hold (4)
Tag 2 : 8 count : step R forward (1) hold (2), 1/4 turn L- L recover (3) hold (4), unwind full turn L (5)(6)(7) - R side (8)

Tag 1 : after wall 2 (at 6 o’clock) …………………………first Tag 1
Restart 1 : 24 count after wall 4 (at 12 o’clock) + Tag 1 ……second Tag 1
Restart 2 : 16 count after wall 6 (at 9 o’clock) + Tag 1 ……third Tag 1
Tag 2 : after wall 8 (at 3 o’clock)(music break)