Give Myself to You
Jean-Marc RAFFANEL (FR) - March 2020
Give Myself to You - The Dreggs
intro 32 counts
section1 : kick ball point, kick ball point, jazz box cross
1&2Rf kick foward, Rf step slightly foward, Lf point to Left
2&4Lf kick foward, Lf step slightly foward, Rf point to Right
here wall 4 restart with changing step jazz box ½ turn Right (facing 12:00)
5-6-7-8Rf cross over Lf, step Lf back, Rf step side, Lf cross over Rf
section 2 : right side shuffle , rock back recover, Left shuffle back ¼ turn R, R coaster step
1&2step Rf side, step Lf next to R, step Rf side
3-4Lf rock back, recover onto Rf
5&6make ¼ turn Rstepping Lf back, Rf step together, Lf step back 3:00
7&8Rf step back, Lf step together, Rf step foward
section 3 : Left rock foward , shuffle with ½ turn Left, Right rocking chair
1-2Lf rock foward, recover onto Rf
3&4make ½ turn Left stepping Lf foward, Rf together , Lf step foward 9:00
here on walls 2 and 6 restart with changing step (2 counts ) Rf step foward, ¼ turn Left (facing 12:00)
5-6Rf rock foward, recover onto Lf
7-8Rf rock back, recover onto Lf
section4 : Rside together,R shuffle back,, ¼ turn L Lf step side, touch R, syncopated V step
1-2R step side, Lf together
3&4Rf step back, Lf together, Rf step back
5-6make ¼ turn L Lf step side, Touch Rf beside L
&7&8Rf step foward in diagonal, Lf step foward on diagonal, Rf step back close Lf beside Rf
start again with smile
Last Update - 5 March 2020