I'm Feeling So Cool

Gail A. Dawson (USA) - August 2019
Cool - Jonas Brothers

Intro – 32 Counts

Walk, Walk, Triple Step, Rock, Recover, Triple Back
1, 2R step forward, L step forward
3&4R step forward, L step beside R, R step forward
5, 6L rock forward, recover on R
7&8L step back, R step beside L, L step back
Rock Back, Recover, Step, Pivot 1/4, Cross, Side, Behind, Triple Turn ¼
1, 2R rock back, recover L
3&4R step forward, pivot ¼ to L shifting weight to L (9 o’clock), R cross over L
5, 6L step to L, R step behind L
7&8L turn ¼ to L (6 o’clock), R step beside L, L step forward
Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, Step, Pivot ½, Triple Forward
1, 2R rock forward, recover on L
3&4R step back, L step beside R, R step forward
5, 6L step forward, pivot ½ to R (12 0’clock)
7&8L step forward, R step beside L, L step forward
Step, Pivot ¼, Step, Pivot ¼, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock
1, 2R step forward, pivot ¼ to L (9 o’clock)
3, 4R step forward, pivot ¼ to L (6 o’clock)
5, 6R step beside L hips sway to R, hips sway to L
7, 8Hips sway to R, hips sway to L
TAG: After Wall 5 (2 Counts)
1&2R rock back, recover on L, R touch beside L

E-mail: free2bgad@gmail.com