Dance With You
Sabrina Drugge (SWE) - February 2018
Dance with You - Marcus & Martinus : (Album: Moments)
Start after 16 count. No Tag or restarts
S:1 - Walk R L R. Kick L. Walk Back L R ¼ L. R Touch
1-4Walk RF (1). Walk LF (2). Walk RF (3). Kick LF (4).
5-6Walk L back.(5) Walk R back.(6)
7-8Turn ¼ to L steping L to side (7). Touch RF beside Left (8).
S:2 - Vine. Vine with ¼ turn. R touch
1-4Step R to right side (1). Step L behind right (2). Step R to right side (3). Touch left beside right.(4)
5-8Step R to right side (5) Step L behind right (6) Turn ¼ right step L to side (7).Touch R beside left (8)
Have fun and enjoy.