Hold On To Your Hat

Beginner / Improver
Andrina K Faulds (SCO) - February 2018
Hold On To Your Hat - Derek Ryan

Count in: 8 from main beat (on the word hat)

Section 1: Grapevine right with a hitch, walk back with right hook
1,2,3,4Step right foot to right side (1), Cross left foot behind right (2), Step right foot to right side (3), Hitch left foot up next to right (4)
5,6,7,8Step left foot behind right (5), Step right foot behind left (6), Step left foot behind right (7), Hoot right foot in front left (8)

Section 2: Right shuffle forward with scuff, left jazzbox ¼ left
1,2,3,4Step forward on right foot (1), Close left foot besides right (2), Step forward on right foot (3), Scuff left foot gently across floor (4)
5,6,7,8Step left foot across right (5), Step right foot back making ¼ left (6), Step left foot to left side (7), Step right foot next to left (8)

Section 3: Monterey ¼ right, right jazz box
1,2,3,4Touch right toe to right side (1), Step right foot in place as you make ¼ right (2), Touch left toe to left side (3), Step left foot in place (4)
5,6,7,8Step right foot across left (5), Step left foot back (6), Step right foot to right side (7), Step left foot next to right (8)

Section 4: Diagonal touch forward and back right, ¼ quarter touch right and left touch (with clicks optional)
1,2,3,4Step right into right diagonal (1), Touch left beside right (2), Step left back (3), Touch right together (4)
5,6,7,8Step right to right side making ¼ right (5), Touch left next to right (6), Step left to left side (7), Touch right next to left (8)

Tags – At the end of wall 1 bump hips right and left (2 counts fast)

Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk