Be Your Hero
Norman Gifford (USA) - October 2017
(Side-ball-change-ball-heel-ball-toe, kick-ball-change, kick-ball-touch)
1&Right toe touch side; right together
2&Left toe touch side; left together
3&4Right heel touch forward; right together; left toe touch back
5&6Left kick forward; left together; right step in place
7&8Left kick forward; left together; right toe touch by left
(Side-rock, cross-side-cross, side-rock, behind-side-forward)
1-2Right rock side; left replace
3&4Right crossover; left step slightly side; right step crossed over
5-6Left rock side; right replace
7&8Left behind; right step side; left step forward
RESTART here on wall #3, facing 6:00
(Windshield wiper turn ½ right, cross-rock, replace, back cross-lock steps to the side)
1-2Right rock forward; left replace
3&4Triple-step turn ½ right (RLR) [6:00]
5-6Left cross-rock; right replace
7&8Left step back; right crossover; left step back (done to the side facing 7:30)
(Travel sideways maintaining the 6:00 wall on this lock-step)
(Modified vaudville, side rock-step, turning sailor-step turning ¼ left)
1-2Right step back left diagonal; left replace
&3Right step side; left heel touch forward diagonal
&4Left step back; right crossover
5-6Left rock side; right replace
7&8Left sweep behind turning ¼ left; right together; left step slightly forward [3:00]