Eye in the Sky - EZ

Lea Halvorsen (DK) - June 2017
Eye In the Sky - The Alan Parsons Project

Intro: 32 counts.

Sec.: 1. Cross Rock R, chassé R, Cross Rock L, chassé L
1 – 2Cross rock R over L, recover on L
3 & 4Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
5 – 6Cross rock L over R, recover on R
7 & 8Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side
First Restart here: wall 4. Facing 3 o´clock

Sec.: 2. Rock fw. R, shuffle back, rock back L, shuffle fw.
1 – 2Rock fw. R, recover to L
3 & 4Step back R, place L beside R, step back R
5 - 6Rock back L, recover to R
7 – 8Step fw. L, place R beside L, step fw. L
Second Restart here: wall 8. Facing 3 o´clock

Sec.: 3. Vine R, touch L, Vine L, touch R
1 – 4Step R to R side, place L behind R, step R to R side, touch L beside R
5 – 8Step L to L side, place R behind L, step L to L side, touch R beside L

Sec.: 4. Step turn L, shuffle fw., step turn R, shuffle fw.
1 – 2Step fw. R, ½ turn L, weight L
3 & 4Step fw. R, place L beside R, step fw. R
5 – 6Step fw. L, ½ turn R, weight R
7 & 8Step fw. L, place R beside L, step fw. L

Sec.: 5. K-step
1 – 2Step diagonal fw. R, touch L beside R,
3 - 4Step diagonal back L, touch R beside L,
5 – 6Step diagonal back R, touch L beside R,
7 – 8Step fw. L, touch R beside L

R1: Wall 4 after 8 counts
R2: Wall 8 after 16 counts

Contact: leagilhal@gmail.com