Deja Vu
Andrés de la Rubia Albertí (ES) - March 2017
Deja vu - Prince Royce & Shakira
[1-8] Bachata forward,Bachata Back
1.-RF forward
2.-LF forward
3.-RF forward
4.-LF beside Rf and hip bump
5.-LF back
6.-RF back
7.-LF back
8.-RF beside Lf and hip bump
[9-16] Full turn Right, Full Turn Left
9.-RF forward 1/4 turn right
10.-LF back 1/2 turn right
11.-RF 1/4 turn right
12.-LF beside Rf and hip bump
13.-LF 1/4 turn left
14.-RF back 1/2 turn left
15.-LF 1/4 turn left
16.-RF beside LF and hip bump ( Restart 6 wall)
[17-24] Cross,Back,Side (r&L)
17.-Cross LF front of RF
18.-LF back
19.-RF to the right
20.-LF beside RF and hip bump
21.-Cross LF front of RF
22.RF back
23.-LF to the left
24.-RF beside LF and hip bump
[25-32] Rock foward ,1/4 turn right,1/4 turn right with sway
25.-RF foward
26.-Return weight LF
27.-RF 1/4 turn right
28.-LF beside RF and hip bump
29.-Sway left 1/8 turn right
30.-Sway right
31.-Sway left 1/8 turn right
32.-RF beside LF and hip bump
Restart: On the sixth wall we will make up to the count sixteen and we will restart the dance
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Last Update - 29th April 2017