Circle In The Sand

Jennifer Jou (TW) - March 2017
Circle In the Sand - Belinda Carlisle

Intro: 32 counts - Sequence: 64/Tag/48/64/Tag/48/64/48/Tag/64

Sec 1: Side,Together,Chasse R,Cross,Recover,1/4 R,Sailor Step
1 - 2Step LF to L,step RF together
3&4Chasse to L by LRL
5 - 6Cross RF over LF,recover
7&8Step RF behind LF,making 1/4 turn R step LF to L,step RF fwd 3:00

Sec 2: Walk Fwd(L+R),Coaster Step,Walk Back(R+L),Coaster Step
1 - 2Walk forward by LR
3&4Step LF fwd,step RF together,step LF back
5 - 6Walk back by RL
7&8Step RF back,step LF together,step RF forward

Sec 3: Side,Behind,1/4 L Fwd,Scuff,Rocking Chair
1 - 4Step LF to L ,step RF behind LF,1/4 turn L step LF fwd,scuff RF fwd
5 - 8Rock RF fwd,recover on LF,Rock RF back,recover on LF

Sec 4: (Paddle 1/4 L)X2,Twist Heels
1 - 4Step RF fwd,1/4 turn L,step RF fwd 1/4 turn L
5 - 8Step RF beside LF and Twist heels to RLRL

Sec 5: Side,Together,Shuffle fwd,Side,Together,Shuffle Fwd
1 - 2Step RF to R,step LF beside RF
3&4Shuffle fwd by RLR
5 – 6Step LF to L,step RF beside LF
7&8Shuffle fwd by LRL

Sec 6: Rock Fwd,Recover,1/4 R Chasse R,1/2 R Chasse L,Behind,Recover,Side
1 - 2Rock RF fwd,recover on LF
3& 41/4 turn R chasse to R by RLR
5&61/2 turn R on R ball chasse to L by LRL
7&8Step RF behind LF,recover on LF,step RF to R

Sec 7: Point Fwd,Point L,Sailor Step,Point Fwd,Point R,1/4 R Sailor Step
1 - 2Point LF over RF,point LF to L
3&4Step LF behind RF,step RF to R,step LF to L
5 - 6Point RF over LF,point RF to R
7&8Step RF behind LF,1/4 turn R step LF to L,step RF fwd

Sec 8: Jazz Box, Cross,Camel Walks L,R,L,R
1 – 4Cross LF over RF,step RF back,step LF to L side,step RF over LF
5 – 8Step LF fwd while you pop R knee,step RF fwd while you pop L knee, Step LF fwd while you pop R knee,step RF fwd while you pop L knee

Tag: 4 counts
1 – 4Rock LF to L,rock RF to R,rock LF to L,rock RF to R

Happy dancing !!