I'm Where I Wanna Be
Sandra Hanisch (DE) - March 2017
Love My Life - Robbie Williams
Intro: 16 counts
Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Anchor Step, Kick & Point
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2)
3&4Rock forward on R (3), recover weight onto L (&),step R back (4)
5&6Lock L behind R (5), step in place on R (+), step back on L (6)
7&8R Kick forward (7), R close to LF (&) L point left side (8)
Restart: in Round 4: after the first 8 counts step L beside R and beginning from the top (&)
Side Step With Hip Sway, Point, Sailor Step ¼ r, Behind-Side-Cross, Slide-Touch
1-2L step left and bump your hips left (1), R point to the right side (2)
3&4Cross R behind (3), ¼ turn R stepping L a small step side (&), Step R right side (4) (3:00)
5&6Cross L behind R (5), step R to right side (&), cross step L over R (6)
7&8Big step R to right side (7), Drag L towards R (&), touch L next to R (8)
Rock Step, Shuffle ¾ turn li, Twist right, Coaster Step
1-2L step forward (1), recover on R (2)
3&4½ turn left and step L forward (3), R step behind L (&), ¼ left and step forward L (4) (6:00)
5&6Traveling right: Move heels right (5), Move toes right (&), Move heels right (6)
7&8Step L back (7), Step R beside L (&), Step L forward (8)
¼ Pivot Turn with hip circle, Crossing Shuffle, Kick ball cross, Side, ½ Turn, Step
1-2Step forward on right (1), pivot ¼ turn left (hip circles as you turn or see styling below) (3:00)
3&4Cross R over L (3), step L together (&), cross R over L (4)
5&6Kick R forward (5), step R beside L (&), cross R over L (6)
7&8Step L left side (7), ½ turn right and step R forward (&), step L forward (8) (9:00)
February 15.02.2017
Contact: sandra.hanisch2013@gmail.com