Wanna Be Me
Ramona Reisinger (DE) - February 2017
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Intro: 32 Counts
(1-8) Walk (r – l – r) 3x, touch, cross point (l – r) 2x
1-4Step R forward, step L forward, step R forward, touch L to side (powerful)
5-6Cross L over R, touch R to side (swing arms to L an snap)
7-8Cross R over L, touch L to side (swing arms to R an snap)
(9-16) Jazz box turning ¼ l, hip bumps hold (r – l)
9LF Cross over R
10RF ¼ turn L step backwards (9.00)
11LF Step L
12RF Step together
13-14Bump hips right, hold
15-16Bump hips left, hold
(17-24) Grapevine r, step touch, step touch (r – l) 2x
17Step R to side
18Step L behind R
19Step R to side
20Touch L beside R
21-22Step L to side, touch L beside R (with swinging hips)
23-24Step R to side, touch R beside L (with swinging hips)
(25-32) Grapevine l, step touch, step touch (l – r) 2x
25Step L to side
26Step R behind L
27Step L to side
28Touch R beside L
29-30Step R to side, touch R beside L
31-32Step L to side, touch L beside R
Tag (at the end of wall 3)
Walk 4 turning ½ r 2x
1-4Walk right, left, right left and make ½ over right shoulder
5-8Repeat 1-4
Contact: reisinger.ramona@gmx.de