Perfect Illusion

Nathan Gardiner (SCO) - January 2017
Perfect Illusion - Lady Gaga

Intro: Start on the word Trying

Jazz Box Cross, Chasse R, Rock Back, Recover
1-2Cross R over L, Step back on L
3-4Step R to R side, Cross L over R
5&6Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
7-8Rock back on L, Recover on R

Side Together, Shuffle Forward, Rocking Chair
1-2Step L to L side, Step R next to L
3&4Step forward on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
5-6Rock forward on R, Recover on L
7-8Rock back on R, Recover on L

Step Pivot ½ L, Cross Point, Cross Point, Hitch Ball Cross
1-2Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L
3-4Cross R over L, Point L to L side
5-6Cross L over R, Point R to R side
7&8Hitch R across L, Step R slightly to R side, Cross L over R

Rock Out, Recover, Sailor Step, Behind Side, Cross Sweep
1-2Rock out to R side, Recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R to R side
5-6Step L behind R, Step R to R side
7-8Cross L over R, Sweep R from back to front

Tag: End of wall 2
Cross, Side L, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side R, Cross, Sweep
1-2Cross R over L, Step L to L side
3-4Step R behind L, Sweep L from front to back
5-6Step L behind R, Step R to R side
7-8Cross L over R, Sweep R from back to front
