Simply Humble

Beginner waltz
Shirley Bryan (USA) - June 2016
Humble and Kind - Tim McGraw

No Tags. No restarts.

This is dedicated to all of my Line dance mentors for their constant encouragement and support: Debra Clecker, Mimi Ilgaz, Jamie Marshall, Jo Thompson Symanski, Carol Schwartz and my Line Dance BRAT Linda Bowman!

Step, Point side, Hold, Repeat
1-3Step L Forward, point R to R side, Hold
4-6Step R Forward, point L to L side, Hold
(Option: Cross point with a sweep)

Line Dance Waltz Basic Step, Waltz Basic Back
1-3Step L Forward, Step R beside L, Step L in place
4-6Step R Backward, Step L beside R, Step R in place
(Option: Balance step)
Repeat above 12 counts

¼ Turn Line Dance Waltz Basic Step, Waltz Basic Back, Repeat
1-3Turn L ¼ stepping L forward to (9:00), Step R beside L, Step L in place
4-6Step R Backward, Step L beside R, Step R in place
1-3Turn L ¼ stepping L forward to (6:00), Step R beside L, Step L in place
4-6Step R Backward, Step L beside R, Step R in place
(Option: Balance Step)

Sway Left, Sway Right, Repeat
1-3Step Left to side (Sway body left)
4-6Step Right to right side (Sway body right)
1-3Step Left to side (Sway body left)
4-6Step Right to right side (Sway body right)

Note: This is a fast (Viennese) Waltz tempo. Encourage small waltz steps for Beginners or use a balance step.
Keep arms up and out for an elegant look.
