Another Girl Next Door
Bobbey Willson (USA) - June 2016
Girl Next Door - Brandy Clark : (Album: Big Day in a Small Town - 4:34)
Long Intro approx. 28 seconds, 12 soft beats, Begin at hard beat 41 (with lyrics)-
S 1: {1-8} R Rock-Rec Side-step-Tog-Cross, L Rock-Rec Side-step-Tog-Cross
1 2 3&4Rock R to right, Recover on L, Step R to right, Step L beside R, Cross R over L
5 6 7&8Rock L to left, Recover on R, Step L to left, Step R beside L, Cross L over R
S 2: {9-16} Shuffles back: RLR, LRL, Coaster, Step 1/4right Step
1&2Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R back
3&4Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L back
5&6Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R forward
7 8Step L forward, Turn 1/4 right and step R to right (3:00)
S 3: {17-24} Turn 1/4left and Shuffles fwd: LRL, RLR, Coaster, Step 1/4left Step
1&2Turn 1/4 left and Step L forward, Step R beside L, Step L forward (12:00)
3&4Step R forward, Step L beside R, Step R forward
5&6Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L forward
7 8Step R forward, Turn 1/4 left and step L to left (9:00)
Restart here on Wall 6 you will be facing 6:00
S 4: {25-32} R Walk Walk Stomp-Stomp-Clap, Walk Walk Stomp-Stomp-Clap
1 2 3&4Step R forward, Step L forward, Stomp R and lift, Stomp R, Clap
5 6 7&8Step L forward, Step R forward, Stomp L and lift, Stomp L, Clap
S 5: {33-40} Vine to right Rock-left-Recover, Vine to left Rock-right-Recover
1 2 3&4Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Rock L to left, Recover on R
5 6 7&8Step L to left, Step R behind L, Step L to left, Rock R to right, Recover on L
Restart here on Wall 3 you will be facing 3:00
S 6: {41-48} R-Side-rock-Recover Kick-Ball-Change, Repeat 1 2 3&4
1 2 3&4Rock R to right, Recover on L, Kick R forward, Step on R ball of foot, Step L down
5 6 7&8Rock R to right, Recover on L, Kick R forward, Step on R ball of foot, Step L down
**2 Restarts: Restarts occur during Walls 3 and 6
Wall 3: Dance S 1 - S 5 {1-40} Restart as Wall 4 (you will be facing 3:00)
Wall 6: Dance S 1 - S 3 {1-24} Restart as Wall 7 (you will be facing 6:00)
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