Kissable, Huggable, Loveable
Mike Hitchen (UK) - April 2016
Kissable, Huggable, Loveable, Unbelievable - Diamond Rio
#16 count intro come in on vocals, 8 Count Tag end of walls 2 & 8
S1: Step Touch, Step Touch, Side Together Back Hold.
1-2Step right to side, Touch left next to right.
3-4Step left to side, Touch right next to left.
5-6Step right to side, Step left together.
7-8Step right back, Hold ( 12:00 )
S2: Side Shuffle Hold, Step 1/4 turn left, Step 1/4 , Cross side
1-2Step left to side, Step right together.
3-4Step left 1/4 turn left, Hold. ( 9:00 )
5-6Step on right, Turn 1/4 turn left. ( 6:00 )
7-8Cross right over left, Step left to side.
S3: Behind Toe Strut, Turn Toe Strut, Step 1/2 Turn Left, Walk Walk.
1-2Touch right toe behind left, Step down on heel.
3-4Touch left toe forward 1/4 turn left, Step down on heel. ( 3:00 )
5-6Step right forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left.
7-8Walk forward right, Walk forward left. ( 9:00 )
S4: Stomp Heel Toe Heel, Stomp Heel Toe Heel.
1-2Stomp right to right diagonal, Swivel left heel towards right foot
3-4Swivel left toe towards right foot, Swivel left heel toward right foot.
5-6Stomp left to left diagonal, Swivel, right heel towards left foot
7-8Swivel right toe towards left foot, Swivel left heel towards left foot.
TAG: 8 Count Tag end of walls 2 & 8
Vine To The Right Touch, Vine To The Left Touch.
1-2Step right to side, Step left behind.
3-4Step right to side, Touch left next to right.
5-6Step left to side, Step right behind.
7-8Step left to side, Touch right next to left