Break On Me
Aurelie Bernard - March 2016
Break on Me - Keith Urban
Sweep, sailor step, hips, hold, close, ¼ flick, step
1LF sweep (start forward & finish behind)
2LF cross behind
&RF step out
3LF step out
4hip movement to the R
&hip movement to the L
5hip movement to the R
&close LF next to RF
7¼ turn L, flick behind with RF
8step forward
¾ turn , step, hold, close, 1/8 turn step lock step, rock step, ¼ turn step, ½ turn step back
&¾ turn L
1RF step to the side
&close LF next to RF
31/8 RF step forward
&LF lock behind
4RF step forward
&LF lock behind
5RF step forward
6LF step forward
7RF recover
8¼ turn L, LF step forward
&½ turn L, RF step back
Leg front Elevation, leg backward extension, step lock step backward, rock step backward, step, ½ turn
1LF elevation of the leg
2LF continue movement and close a little bit
3LF extension of the leg backward
4LF stp backward
&RF lock step backward
5LF Step backward
6RF step backward
7LF Recover
8RF step forward
&½ turn L
Slow batucada L, slow batucada R, batucada L, batucada R, steps on place
2-3LF press forward with hip rotation
&LF step back
4-5RF press forward with hip rotation
&RF step back
6LF press forward with hip rotation
&LF step back
7RF press forward with hip rotation
&RF step back
8LF step on place
&RF step on place